I have met many incredible people throughout the course of my life.
Some of them have made such a difference that I don’t even know if I would be alive if it weren’t for them.
I certainly wouldn’t be as alive as I am.
I think some people have made such a difference in the lives of people around them that the difference is night and day.
Whether it’s through encouragement, understanding, emotional or financial support, or interactions and exposure to amazing and incredible experiences that we wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Sometimes my friends and I have had exactly the same experiences at the exact same time.
When we were meditating, we saw or felt something unique or specific that we each experienced in the exact same way.
That reinforced my faith in God and gave me a deeper understanding of the inner reality.
Other times, I have had one friend who would immediately negate all my suffering when I confessed it, by showing me that what I was feeling was not so unique or consuming as it seemed, and that all that would pass.
I have had one friend who has been with me through my entire life, through all my ups and downs. That says a lot about someone.
In Sri Chinmoy’s Path, he said that the meditation Centres exist for mutual inspiration.
In one place I read something that He said to the effect of “If your consciousness is suffering and you are feeling disconnected from God, you can either sit in your room by yourself and invoke him, and you will get relief that way. Or, if you are fortunate to have a few spiritual friends who you are able to share your situation with, then this can bring you closer to God faster.”
Something like that… I had to paraphrase it.
The world is awakening. There are beautiful spiritual seekers around every corner.
Here in New York City, I am meeting people every day who say profound things that I feel they believe through personal experience.
It is humbling to meet people who have a spontaneous connection to God, that they perhaps developed in some past incarnation, but which is coming into our culture today. It is exciting to see the Light filtering through our pop culture influences, in small ways, with big impact. It is silly to say that the mainstream has accepted it, but it is much more present now than it was previously.
Also, it doesn’t need to be expressed in a way that’s lofty and philosophical. Some of the best manifestations I’ve seen are small and simple, but they encapsulate the essence of the entire universe, like people; we are a microcosm of the Supreme existence, mirrored and glimpsed in the face of humanity on earth.
Guru also wrote about and emphasized heavily the importance of staying connected with the awareness of that Presence while engaged in day-to-day activities and at work, so that we can extend that moment and keep it alive permanently- by seeing God in others and offering Gratitude.
At this point though, I’m deeply caught by my individual meditation, and a process is unfolding inside me that it would be impossible to give up, as it requires my constant attention.
As it grows, the normalcy of my daily routine becomes manageable; and the beauty of the people we meet enhances the richness of our Experience.
Feb 7, 2024
Seeing God in others and offering Gratitude